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My name is Dani and I'm funny sometimes. Other times I'm not. I like to draw... daniikinz.deviantart.com Take a look :)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

An open letter to StraightTalk

I have an iPhone through StraightTalk. I've had StraightTalk for about six months now but this is the first month I've had iPhone through StraightTalk. I really love this phone, I thought it would be awesome to have truly unlimited data for cheap through StraightTalk.
Please don't give me any more reasons to switch carriers.
Unfortunately, I don't have mobile data at all on it and I haven't for the last 3-4 days. I have texting and calling but NO DATA. This is a big problem because I often rely on GPS when I'm in town. I live in a big area and it's easy to get lost. The other night, without knowing my data was gone, I tried to use my gps and got lost because I had no internet connection. I almost lost points for a college class that I'm currently enrolled in. This upsets me more, because this issue is now effecting my classes.
I tried to set up an online ticket because talking to your customer care employees in some foreign country is near impossible and I feel rude asking them to repeat what they have said every time they say something because I can't understand their accents. I know it's cheaper to hire those in other countries for the company, but we do need jobs in America as well.
The online support ticket did not work, it refused 2-3 different e-mails from me every time. My MyAccount with StraightTalk is also not working. Could I get some help with that? So I had no other choice but to call customer care. The customer care agent was very rude. He told me my data was shut off because I had used up all of my data. (I thought I had unlimited data. How nice of you, like every other phone company, to use false advertising to sell your products...Can we ever have truly unlimited data? Because I will go with the company who HAS unlimited data)

Here's a little lesson on semantics. The definition of "unlimited" is- "Not limited or restricted in terms of number, quantity, or extent." Yet, there is a quantitative limit to your data of 5 gigabytes. That makes your data plan limited. It would be really awesome if you could make sure your customers were aware of this when they buy your services.

I only use my mobile data for Facebook and Tumblr and GPS when needed. Everything else, I use wifi. I'm almost ALWAYS home, so I'm almost ALWAYS on wifi. There's NO way I used all of my data (capped at 5 gig, correct?) That's impossible. I don't social network THAT much, ESPECIALLY when I'm not home. The agent then proceeded to accuse me of streaming. Once again, I only use my mobile data for facebook, tumblr and GPS services. If using GPS is considered "Streaming" for your company, please shoot me, because how else am I supposed to use GPS while driving? Wifi? I can't use wifi everywhere. That is where then etwork is supposed come in and help me out.
The agent THEN told me I needed to call on another phone to get the issue fixed. WOW, Here's another cool problem I've faced today with this company, A great majority of your customers may ACTUALLY be alone sometimes! I'm not around anyone else with a phone right now. The agent told me that the problem could not be fixed because I misused my services because I was streaming and that my internet would be turned back on on my next bill cycle. It really kind of sounds like he was making excuses so he wouldn't have to do his job today. And you know what, I get it. I worked in customer service for a while and sometimes you have bad days working there. The problem is, every time I call in I get poor service and I feel like your agents are annoyed that I have called in with a problem. I don't feel empathy or sympathy from these agents, I feel like my problem is not important to these workers. I feel like these workers are always in a rush to get me off of the call, even if my issue hasn't been solved.
I then proceeded to tell him I have received very poor service today, online and in call, and if the problem persisted this company would lose my business. The Agent told me he didn't care, it wasn't his problem to deal with and to have a nice day. Sadly, I had to hang up out of anger when he told me to "have a--" So he could have very well said something else. :|

I really thought I was a valued customer of six months, but that's okay. I know the money I contribute to your company isn't that important to you. I really don't care what kind of customer I am as long as I get the services I pay for. Please ensure my mobile data is turned back on. Check again, I haven't used 5 gigabytes of mobile data, and if I have I want proof.

My point still stands. If I continue to receive poor service from this company and I continue to live in fear of calling customer service, You will lose my business to AT&T. I'm also a pretty influential person, and I'm great at convincing people that their business is best spent elsewhere. I apologize for any sarcasm in this post, but I'm pretty upset with my service.
My suggestion, Make an investment to hire people in the United States. We may have lazy bums here who only care about their welfare checks because they DON'T WANT to get a job, but some people genuinely do want jobs and would be willing to work hard for them. I feel like this would be very beneficial for your company. If you can't be bothered to do this, please get rid of the rude customer service agents you currently have hired.
Thanks, have a nice day. :/

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